Binary to Decimal Conversion

**A binary-to-decimal converter can be found at the bottom of this page. Simply enter the number you wish to convert, and the converter code will also explain the conversion process.**

Binary-to-decimal, sometimes referred to as "base 2 to decimal," conversion follows the same steps as decimal to binary, except in reverse order. We begin by multiplying 0 x 2 and adding 1. We continue to multiply the numbers in the "results" column by 2, and adding the digits from left to right in our binary number.

Example 1: Convert 11101 from binary to decimal.

Operations Result
0 x 2 + 1 1
1 x 2 + 1 3
3 x 2 + 1 7
7 x 2 + 0 14
14 x 2 + 1 29

Therefore, 11101 in binary is 29 in decimal.

Binary-to-Decimal Converter

Binary number to convert:
Decimal representation:    

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